Our Services
We utilize gentle and specific adjustments to check the nervous systems of children as early as a couple of days old to teenagers. Kids walks through our doors expressing many different health symptoms, but the goal with care isn’t to treat these specific symptoms. Rather it is our intention to restore balance to the nervous system which allows for optimal physiological function. As this happens, the body begins to heal and symptoms start to resolve through better nervous system regulation and optimal alignment of the spine. Below are common things that we help with:
Trouble Latching
Colic + Excessive Crying
Reflux + Spitting Up
Gas Pains
Arching + Stiffness
Head Tilt + Torticollis
Tongue + Lip Tie
Ear Infections
Delayed Milestones
Asthma + Allergies
Irregular Muscle Tone
Speech Development
Aggression + Tantrums
Focus + Attention
Headaches + Migraines
Mood Regulation
Sports + Performance
Brain Fog + Fatigue
Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can greatly help avoid or reduce common pregnancy-related complaints such as neck and lower backaches, hip pain, sciatica, fatigue, swelling, and morning sickness. In addition, regular chiropractic care can help promote the best environment for your growing baby!
As a Webster Technique certified chiropractor, Dr. Sheena is trained to properly align the pelvis, balance the surrounding muscles, and release tension found in the ligaments surrounding the uterus to support both mom and baby. The Webster Technique has also helped women avoid unnecessary cesareans due to breach presentations or complications throughout their pregnancy.
We are here to support, educate, and empower you. We look forward to becoming part of your birth team!
Optimal room to grow
Improves positioning of baby
May decrease dystocia
Decreases stress to baby
Decreases in-utero constraint
Balanced pelvis + ligaments
Decreased pain + discomfort
Less belly tension
Less fatigue + nausea
May decrease labor time
We are passionate about helping women feel empowered in health and more in tune with their bodies. Many women come to us feeling exhausted, burnt out, anxious, and describe their health as a “hot mess.” They’ve usually tried many things in the past, but without much success. Through nervous system centered chiropractic care, we restore balance to the nervous system allowing the body to begin healing itself & long standing symptoms begin to slowly start to resolve. Throughout care, we address many lifestyle factors that may be contributing to their symptoms so that care is truly holistic.
Increased energy
Less PMS + menstrual cycle pain
Improved digestion
Deeper sleep
A better sense of regulation
Less anxiety
Feeling more in tune with the body
While we are specialized in working with kids and pregnant mamas, we are passionate about serving the full family and supporting each individual express their greatest potential in health and life! As families begin care, they begin healing together and creating a new cycle of generational health. So many families are redefining what it means to be healthy, so rather than waiting for symptoms or discomfort to appear, families are choosing to be proactive and include consistent chiropractic care in their lives to achieve optimal health and wellness. There is nothing better than being a small part of that process!