Bodywork Intensives
Bodywork Intensives are a unique offering designed specifically for infants. These sessions blend chiropractic adjustments, myofascial release, and craniosacral therapy to gently unwind tension and restore balance within the nervous system to promote healing from within.
Unlike our standalone chiropractic adjustments, these sessions are longer in duration which allows more time to get to know you & your baby, observe their physical strain patterns, assess latch and breastfeeding, and provide bodywork for more in-depth and truly holistic care.
These sessions are offered on a limited basis, depending on availability.
Benefits for Baby
Bodywork for infants can help resolve “common” symptoms like colic, gas, reflux, arching or stiffness, latch and breastfeeding, trouble sleeping, tongue/lip ties or pre/post revision, torticollis (head stuck to one side), plagiocephaly (assymetrical cranial bones), & birth trauma.
By unwinding tension stored in the body (structural alignment, muscular tightness, and fascial strains), there is a direct effect on the nervous system which is the major system that controls every single function in the body. This allows optimal mobility, increased function, and facilitates the healing process so that babies are happy, healthy, and comfortable.
Benefits for Mom
Bodywork for infants also has a positive impact on moms! As symptoms resolve, moms have an easier time caring for their babies and aren’t as worried about their health, which allows them to bond and connect more with their baby!
If breastfeeding is a challenge, latch can also be greatly improved through bodywork to allow for an easier time breastfeeding or allow for the continuance of the breastfeeding journey.
Lifestyle recommendations will also be provided, so families have tools to support baby at home.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bodywork Intensive sessions blend craniosacral therapy and chiropractic adjustments for truly holistic care.
Craniosacral therapy is focused on releasing tension within the body’s soft tissue system (muscles, fascia, CSF), while chiropractic is focused on releasing structural misalignments. Both are gentle, hands-on techniques that work beautifully together help unwind tension within the body which then helps to restore balance within the nervous system to promote healing and resolve symptoms.
Each session is approximately 30 minutes long and is $95. All new patients must first complete our 2 day new patient process prior to starting care, which is $165 (this does not include the price of a bodywork session).
Generally, we start with 4 sessions and will observe how baby responds to each session before graduating them to Wellness care. The more birth interventions and trauma that was present, the more sessions might be recommended.
During each session, your baby’s body and movement patterns are observed, including latch and breastfeeding which will guide Dr. Sheena’s approach to care. Since every baby and each day is unique, every session will be slightly different and will build on top of the previous sessions’ progress to promote lasting change.
“I brought my son in for care after hearing how wonderful Dr. Sheena is. As a foster child, he has a more traumatic start to life than most, and thus, needed additional support to heal his body and support it as he grows. Since bringing him in for intensive body work I have seen many improvements, and surprising leaps in growth that I do attribute to his care. The most visible outcome of treatment is his improved flexibility and mobility. Additionally, he is having more regular bowel movements, less gas and arching in pain at night, and sleep has improved. The work being done on his body, to heal the nervous system and bring things back into alignment, I know will benefit him for the rest of his life. Dr. Sheena takes great care to tune into his little body and finds a way to gently and purposefully adjust, to best support his healing.”
— Stephanie S.